Celebrate Vaccination But Don’t Put Photo Online, Here’s Why

New Delhi:The excitement of getting rid of the pandemic is always there, but posting the picture of getting vaccinated is not a good idea.
People have started posting photos of their vaccination cards, which have data such as name, birth date, residence and vaccine type and thus they are endangered to cyber theft attacks and other such scams.
Cyber criminals, instead of collecting the information in one go collect data from various sources and details related to vaccination are quite authentic, which they can use against people any time they want.
Showing off and celebrating through posts after being vaccinated against Coronavirus could cost you excessively as the scammers and exploitative organisations are fooling users who are posting information about their vaccine day on social media platforms.
In a statement, the Better Business Bureau revealed that the vaccine card issued in different countries has full name, birth date along with other information related to the medication session which could be utilised by the cyber attacks.
The bureau goes on elaborating that those users are particularly more endangered who have not kept their social media post settings private.
The US Federal Trade Commission has issued an advisory in this regard, asking people not to put their vaccination card info on social networking sites.
One of the Associate Directors of the Federal Trade Commission told the New York Times that scammers can make out most of the digits of the social security number with the credentials like date of birth, name and address.