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QR Phishing Alert: Government Alerting Citizens to Deceptive Quishing Scams

Indian government issues a stark warning about ‘Quishing’ scams – a new QR phishing threat. Learn how to safeguard against these deceptive attacks.



QR Code Users Beware: 'Quishing' Scams Pose Serious Risks, Authorities Urge Caution
Protecting Against 'Quishing' Scams: Government Warns of QR Phishing Threat

NEW DELHI: Scan with caution! A new cyber scam called “quishing scams” is lurking in the seemingly harmless world of QR codes, and it’s targeting both businesses and individuals.

Imagine this: you’re strolling down the street, minding your own business, when you spot a QR code plastered on a flyer. Intrigued by a potential discount or a cool website, you whip out your phone and scan it. But instead of landing on a legitimate page, you find yourself trapped in a web of deceit – a fake website designed to steal your information or infect your device with malware. This, my friends, is the chilling reality of quishing.

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QR Phishing: A Stealthy Threat

Quishing is a social engineering attack that uses QR codes, those ubiquitous black and white squares, as bait. Scammers embed these fake codes in emails, flyers, and even public spaces, hoping you’ll scan them without a second thought. Unlike traditional phishing links, QR codes bypass email filters and security warnings, making them particularly sneaky.

Businesses and Individuals: Easy Targets

While businesses like banks, online stores, and payment systems are prime targets due to their financial allure, quishing scams don’t discriminate. Common individuals are also vulnerable, especially when scammers mask themselves as trusted brands. Think free movie tickets from your favorite cinema or a surprise discount from your local supermarket. These seemingly harmless offers can lull you into a false sense of security, making you scan the code without a blink.

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How to Avoid Falling for the Quish

But fear not, savvy citizens! Here’s how you can outsmart the quishers:

Think before you scan: Don’t get swept away by the promise of instant gratification. Ask yourself why the QR code is there, and if it seems out of place or suspicious, trust your gut and walk away.

Check for tampering: Look for signs of a fake code pasted over an original one. If something feels off, it probably is.

Inspect the URL: Once scanned, don’t blindly click on the link. Look for typos, unusual characters, or hyphens in the website address. A legitimate URL should be clear and consistent with the brand it represents.

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Website vigilance: When the website opens, be wary of anything that seems too good to be true. Check for spelling errors, unprofessional layouts, and suspicious requests for personal information or downloads. Remember, if it looks too good to be true, it probably is.

Stay vigilant, stay informed, and stay safe! By keeping these tips in mind, you can turn the tables on quishers and ensure your online journey remains secure.

Remember, in the digital world, sometimes the smallest squares can hold the biggest threats. So, scan with caution, and quish the quishers!

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