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India Ranks 7th Globally in Data Breaches, Check Complete List of Most Affected Countries



India Ranks 7th Globally in Data Breaches, Check Complete List of Most Affected Countries

India has been positioned as the 7th most breached country in the world during the second quarter of 2023, said the latest findings unveiled by cybersecurity firm Surfshark. This disconcerting report highlights a surge in data breaches across the globe, emphasizing the need for enhanced data protection measures.

Alarming Data Breach Statistics

According to Surfshark’s comprehensive data breach statistics update for Q2 2023, a staggering total of 110.8 million user accounts were breached globally.

The United States emerged as the leader in this category, accounting for almost half of all breaches during the April to June period.

Russia closely followed in second place, with Spain, France, and Turkey securing subsequent positions.

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Comparing these figures to the preceding quarter, a distressing 2.6-fold increase in breached users worldwide was observed, reflecting an alarming trend of escalating cyber threats. The data breach rate accelerated significantly, skyrocketing from 6 to over 14 user accounts leaked every second during Q2 2023.

North America Takes the Brunt of Breaches

The geographical impact of data breaches was most pronounced in North America, which claimed the unenviable title of the region most affected by these incidents during Q2 2023.

The number of breaches surged ninefold in comparison to the previous quarter, soaring from 5.6 million to a staggering 51.3 million. Almost half of all breaches originated from North America, primarily the United States, constituting a staggering 97% of the total.

In contrast, Europe relinquished its position as the most vulnerable region, experiencing a 56% increase in breaches during Q2 2023. This upsurge resulted in a total of 28 million breaches within the continent.

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India’s Encouraging Trend Amidst Concerns

Amidst the disheartening global surge in data breaches, India’s trajectory appears to be heading in a more positive direction.

Surfshark’s data breach analysis for Q2 2023 revealed that India secured the 7th spot globally with approximately 1.35 million leaked accounts. This marked improvement was accompanied by a 44% reduction in breach rates compared to the previous quarter.

Despite this positive development, India remains a prominent player in the realm of data breaches, underlining the persistent threat that sensitive information faces in the digital landscape.

Expert Insights and Recommendations

Agneska Sablovskaja, Lead Researcher at Surfshark, emphasized the urgency of strengthening data protection measures in light of the exponential rise in data breaches. She asserted, “Such alarming increase in data breaches highlights that the current data protection measures are not sufficient, and sensitive information remains at risk as cybercriminals continue to access it in ever higher numbers.”

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Global Ranking and Breach Density

In descending order, the top ten countries most affected by data breaches in Q2 2023 were the United States, Russia, Spain, France, Turkey, Australia, India, Italy, the United Kingdom, and Brazil. Additionally, Surfshark provided insight into the countries with the highest breach density, indicating the number of leaked accounts per 1,000 residents. The list included the United States, Russia, Spain, Finland, Australia, Sweden, France, South Sudan, Turkey, and Denmark.

The alarming statistics underscore the pressing need for heightened cybersecurity measures and collaborative efforts to safeguard sensitive user information in an increasingly interconnected digital world.

TOP 10 Most Affected Countries By Data Breaches

  1. United States
  2. Russia
  3. Spain
  4. France
  5. Turkey
  6. Australia
  7. India
  8. Italy
  9. United Kingdom
  10. Brazil

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