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Terror Hoax Unmasked: Man Arrested For Orchestrating Nainital’s Hizbul Mujahideen Bomb Threats



Terror Hoax Unmasked: Man Arrested For Orchestrating Nainital's Hizbul Mujahideen Bomb Threats

UTTARAKHAND: A man responsible for the bomb blast threats aimed at Nainital district in Uttarakhand has been arrested by STF Uttarakhand from Andhra Pradesh. The alarming threats, which were attributed to the notorious extremist group Hizbul Mujahideen, had sent shockwaves through the region, prompting swift and coordinated efforts by law enforcement agencies.

Threats of Bomb Blasts Linked to Hizbul Mujahideen

The menacing threats that reverberated across Nainital district were believed to be the handiwork of the extremist organization Hizbul Mujahideen. These threats, conveying intentions to detonate bombs in various locations, raised concerns about national security and public safety. A case was promptly registered at a police station in Nainital district, given the potential gravity of the situation.

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High-Stakes Investigation Transferred to Cyber Crime Police Station

Recognizing the severity of the incident and its potential repercussions, the investigation swiftly transitioned to the purview of the Cyber Crime Police Station in Uttarakhand’s capital, Dehradun, under the Special Task Force (STF).

Culprit Identified Through Facebook Threats

The investigation, led by a two-pronged approach involving technical analysis and fieldwork, managed to trace the source of the threats to an individual named Nitin Sharma. The threatening messages had been posted on the official Nainital Police Facebook page, purportedly by a user named Nitin Sharma. The messages, bearing the sinister promise of multiple bomb blasts within a 24-hour timeframe, were also linked to Hizbul Mujahideen.

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Legal Proceedings Initiated

Nitin Sharma, identified as the primary suspect, is a resident of Delhi, originally known as Khalid before converting his religion. Remarkably, he was traced to Andhra Pradesh, demonstrating the extent of his attempt to evade capture. He was booked under stringer section 506, 201 of IPC and 15 UAPA act.

Complex Investigation Leads to Breakthrough

The investigation unfolded as a multifaceted endeavor involving both technical and physical analysis. The combined efforts of the investigative teams unraveled Nitin Sharma’s identity and led to his arrest. Prior to this incident, he had reportedly provided misleading information to the Nainital Control Room on October 4, 2022, regarding bomb blasts in the region.

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Elaborate Modus Operandi Revealed

The accused adopted an elaborate modus operandi in carrying out his threats. On July 13, 2023, a Gmail account was created under the name “Nitin Sharma,” and subsequently, a fake Facebook account was created and operated. On July 27, 2023, the individual employed this fake identity to send the threatening messages to the Nainital Police, falsely implicating Hizbul Mujahideen and posing a substantial risk to national security.

Arrested Suspect’s Identity

The individual taken into custody has been identified as Nitin Sharma, son of the late Surendra Sharma, residing at 481/2B Mandir Marg Baljit Nagar Police Station Patel Nagar, New Delhi.

As the investigation continues, authorities are diligently probing the motivations and circumstances behind Nitin Sharma’s actions. The collaborative efforts of law enforcement agencies have successfully brought a suspect to justice and alleviated the immediate threat posed by the bomb blast warnings in Nainital district.


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