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Elderly Doctor Loses Rs 8.48 Lakh in Shocking Power Bill Phishing Scam



Elderly Doctor Loses Rs 8.48 Lakh in Shocking Power Bill Phishing Scam

MUMBAI: A 64-year-old doctor residing in Mahavir Nagar, Kandivali East, has fallen prey to a devious power bill phishing fraud, losing a staggering Rs 8.48 lakh from his bank account. The incident sheds light on the growing menace of cybercrimes targeting unsuspecting individuals.

The Deceptive Message

The ordeal began on August 30 when the doctor received an alarming message on his mobile phone. The message, purportedly from an unknown source, warned him that his residence’s electricity supply would be disconnected unless he took immediate action. The message instructed him to contact a provided mobile number for assistance.

Desperate Call for Help

Worried about the impending power disconnection, the victim promptly dialed the indicated number. However, he encountered a busy tone, adding to his anxiety. Moments later, his phone rang, and a person on the other end claimed to be calling from Bandra Kurla Complex (BKC). This individual went on to manipulate the doctor into a web of deceit.

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The Scam Unfolds

The fraudster, posing as a legitimate representative, informed the victim that his house’s electricity bill was overdue and needed immediate settlement. To expedite the process, he was asked to make an initial payment of Rs 20. Falling for the ruse, the doctor complied.

The situation took a sinister turn when the fraudster cunningly persuaded the victim to download a remote access application onto his mobile phone. Unbeknownst to the doctor, this action would ultimately lead to his financial ruin.

With the remote access app installed, the fraudster gained control of the victim’s device, thereby compromising sensitive information. In a shocking turn of events, the doctor was coerced into sharing his credit card details and net banking ID password with the perpetrator.

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The Aftermath

Tragically, the doctor realized that he had been duped only after Rs 8.48 lakh had been siphoned from his bank account through multiple unauthorized transactions. Left with no other recourse, the victim courageously approached the police to report the crime, which led to an official complaint being registered on Monday.

Legal Action Taken

In response to the victim’s complaint, the police have initiated a thorough investigation into the matter. A case has been registered under several relevant sections of the law, including section 420 (cheating and dishonestly inducing delivery of property) of the Indian Penal Code, and sections 66C (identity theft) and 66D (cheating by personation by using computer resource) of the Information Technology Act.

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This unfortunate incident serves as a stark reminder for all citizens to remain vigilant when receiving unsolicited messages or phone calls. Authorities advise individuals to refrain from sharing personal or financial information with unknown entities and to report any suspicious activity promptly.

As the investigation unfolds, law enforcement agencies are committed to bringing the fraudsters to justice, sending a strong message that cybercriminals will not go unpunished. In the meantime, the doctor’s story serves as a cautionary tale, highlighting the importance of cybersecurity awareness in our increasingly digital world.

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