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India Launches Pioneering IndiaAI Mission with Rs10,371 Crore Investment to Boost AI Innovation

IndiaAI Mission: Revolutionizing AI with Rs.10,371 Crore for Innovation, Skills & Ethical AI Development



India Launches Pioneering IndiaAI Mission with Rs10,371 Crore Investment to Boost AI Innovation

India’s government has approved a groundbreaking national mission, IndiaAI, with a budget of Rs 10,371.92 crore to propel the country’s Artificial Intelligence (AI) ecosystem. This mission aims to empower domestic innovation, create skilled jobs, and solidify India’s position as a global AI leader.

Key Highlights of the IndiaAI Mission:

  • Massive AI Computing Power: A public-private partnership will establish a high-performance AI computing infrastructure with over 10,000 GPUs. This will cater to the ever-growing needs of India’s booming AI startups and research institutions.
  • AI Marketplace & Foundational Models: An AI marketplace will be designed to offer pre-trained models and AI as a service, providing a one-stop shop for resources crucial for AI development. Additionally, the mission will invest in building indigenous foundational models, a critical step for fostering domestic AI capabilities.
  • Focus on Startups & Funding: IndiaAI Startup Financing will offer streamlined access to funding for promising AI startups, enabling them to bring futuristic AI projects to life.

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  • Skilling the Workforce: The mission recognizes the importance of a skilled workforce. IndiaAI FutureSkills will bridge the gap by expanding AI curriculum in universities and setting up Data & AI Labs in smaller cities to provide foundational courses.
  • Safe & Ethical AI Development: The mission prioritizes responsible AI development. The Safe & Trusted AI pillar will encompass creating indigenous tools, self-assessment tools for developers, and establishing ethical frameworks to ensure responsible AI practices.
  • Socially Impactful AI Applications: IndiaAI Application Development Initiative will focus on developing and promoting AI solutions that address critical challenges faced by various sectors. This initiative aims to leverage AI for large-scale socio-economic transformation.

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IndiaAI’s Impact:

This comprehensive mission is expected to:

  • Fuel innovation: By providing access to advanced computing power, resources, and funding, IndiaAI will empower domestic AI development.
  • Build domestic capabilities: The focus on indigenous models and tools will strengthen India’s self-reliance in the AI domain.
  • Create skilled jobs: The mission will bridge the AI skills gap by creating highly skilled employment opportunities.
  • Enhance global competitiveness: IndiaAI positions India as a frontrunner in responsible and impactful AI development.

This ambitious mission positions India to be a key player in the global AI landscape, fostering innovation for social good and economic prosperity.

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